Pack Flight Services
Flight Instruction
Professional training for professional pilots

Multi Engine Training
By popular demand, Pack Flight Services has re-entered the training industry.
If you're looking for the fastest, cheapest way to get a multi engine rating, you're in the wrong place. If you want to learn to fly like a professional, you've come to the experts. We don't accept every student, and we're going to ask you to help us help you. This isn't the least expensive training option out there, because we don't offer the bare minimum.
Each course will be tailored to the needs of each customer, and will be designed to make you a proficient pilot. We don't "teach to the test." Your checkride is just an opportunity to demonstrate your newfound skills, and we are here to ensure you have skills above and beyond what you'll find at any other school.
By the time we're finished, you'll be an expert on the systems and aerodynamics of your aircraft, and you'll be able to fly it with the professionalism your passengers expect.
Before we fly the airplane, you'll spend some time in the books, and then we'll spend some time on the ground working on the theory. Airplanes are an expensive classroom, and we want to be as efficient as possible once the engines are running.
We offer training in conventional twins and in the most modern light twins available. Whether you desire "old school" or "new cool," we can accommodate.
We can provide training for Commercial, CFI, and ATP certificates, either as add-on ratings or initial certificates.
Please click here for our current rates.

Single Engine Training
Limited training is available in single engine airplanes. We offer flight reviews, instrument proficiency checks, CFI Spin training, and CFI recurrent training.
We do not own or operate any single engine aircraft for training, but we can arrange training in your aircraft.
We are not currently offering primary instruction in single engine aircraft.
Please click here for our current rates.
Our Training Ethos
Ethical Investment
Flight training is expensive. We know that. We offer expert instruction, and we charge what that time is worth. We won't cut corners in your training to save a few dollars, but we won't spend them unnecessarily either. We will keep you informed of your progress throughout the curriculum, and if we need to schedule additional training to make you a safe pilot, we will do so. In return, we ask you to keep us informed of your experience throughout your course, and let us know if something isn't working for you. We can't fix what we don't know is broken.
Proficient students become proficient pilots.
Multi engine aircraft are expensive. We want to ensure you get your money's worth out of each lesson. Before you start flying with us, we'll ask you to be instrument current and proficient in single engine aircraft. Learning to fly a twin is difficult enough without trying to remember how to fly an approach. If you need assistance with recurrent training, please let us know and we'll be happy to assist you.
We can't learn it for you.
Each lesson will conclude with a homework assignment for the next lesson. We can guide you through the learning process and keep you safe while you learn, but you'll have to meet us halfway. You'll be asked to complete the homework assignment and be prepared to discuss it at the next lesson. Before we get in the airplane, you'll be an expert on the systems, performance, and aerodynamics thereof.
Lead from the front.
We believe in leading by example. Before we ask you to learn a maneuver, we'll show you the right way. We'll demonstrate each task and ask you to emulate the same methods.
Checkrides are a formality.
We'll train you to be a safe and proficient pilot. That means that we are going to teach you things that won't be on your practical test, but you need to know them anyway. We believe that for a proficient pilot, passing the practical test is just a matter of formality, not the end goal of training. Before we send you to an examiner, we will ensure that you are proficient in all the skills and knowledge you'll need in the real world. If we don't think you're ready, we won't send you to a test.